What is measles ?   Measles is also known as rubeola . It is a highly infectious childhood disease caused by a virus.  Its incidence has reduced drastically in the United States

The chicken pox or varicella vaccine protects against  chicken pox. Chicken pox is a common viral and very contagious disease.   Who should get the chicken pox vaccine and when ?

Rotavirus vaccine protects against rotavirus , the leading cause of severe diarrhea in babies and young children. The vaccine will not prevent diarrhea caused by other germs. Before the development

The Hib vaccine protects your child against Hib disease and other forms of severe bacterial infections such as bacterial meningitis, epiglottitis and severe pneumonia. The Hib vaccine is made up

The DTaP  vaccine protects your  child against 3 diseases namely diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis ( whooping cough ). This vaccine is a safer version of an older vaccine called DTP.