As your delivery date approaches, you feel that Braxton hicks which are painless, infrequent contractions become more frequent and intense. However  unlike true labor, false labor does not progress and eventually stops.
false labor

What is false labor ?


False labor is irregular and unpredictable contractions. This type of labor does not progress and these contractions are felt like generalized abdominal tightening. During false labor , a change in position or activity may slow or stop contractions. There is also no evidence of bloody show and membranes do not rapture.


What is the difference for true and false labor ?


Frequency of your contractions : With true labor, the contractions have a regular pattern and grow close to each other. False labor however remain irregular.


How long does each contraction last : False labor varies in intensity and frequency  but true labor lasts more than  30 seconds at the onset and gets progressively longer up to about 60 seconds.


Where do contractions occur : During  true labor, the pain begins high in the abdomen and then  radiates throughout your entire body and lower back or vice versa. Contractions are located in the lower abdomen and groin during false labor.


Do contractions change with activity : False labor often ceases or stops when the mother changes activities or position.  True labor continues irrespective of the mother’s activities. They may even grow stronger with increased activity such as walking.


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