what is cradle cap ?

Cradle cap causes your baby’s scalp to have scaly patches which  looks like dandruff. This can also be seen in your baby’s ears or eyebrows, on his eyelids, or even in his armpits . Cradle cap is the common term for infantile seborrheic dermatitis. Even though not serious, it  may cause thick crusting and yellow or white scale. It is common in newborn and children as old as 3. Cradle cap  usually resolves on it’s own in about 6 to 12 months but you can take some self measures to help loosen and remove it. In severe cases, you have to  contact your doctor who may suggest medicated shampoo or other appropriate treatments. Even though cradle cap may look uncomfortable , it does not bother kids.
cradle cap

What causes cradle cap ?

The exact cause is unknown but it is believed that hormones passed on from the mother to the baby may be a contributing factor. This causes abnormal production of oil from the oil glands and hair follicles.


What are the home remedies for cradle cap ?

The following self-care tips or over the counter treatment can help you control cradle cap.

  • wash your baby’s hair daily with mild baby shampoo. You can then loosen the scales with a soft bristled  brush before rinsing off the shampoo
  • gently massage your baby’s scalp with your fingers and wash cloth to loosen the scales
  • you may rub petroleum jelly or a few drops of mineral oil onto the scalp if the scales are not easy to remove. Let it soak for a few minutes and then brush and shampoo your baby’s hair. Do not leave oil in your baby’s hair. It may cause accumulation of the scales and make cradle cap worse
  • after  the scales are all gone, wash your baby’s hair every few days with mild shampoo to prevent scale build up.


How can cradle cap be prevented ?


You can prevent it by shampooing your baby’s hair every few days with mild baby shampoo.


NOTE that cradle cap is not an indication of poor hygiene and it not contagious.
Content Sources

Cradle cap. Mayo Foundation. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/cradle-cap/basics/definition/con-20032328. Accessed November 26, 2014
Cradle cap. The Nemours Foundation. http://kidshealth.org/parent/infections/skin/cradle_cap.html. Accessed November 26, 2014
Cradle cap. American Academy of Pediatrics. http://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/bathing-skin-care/Pages/Cradle-Cap.aspx. Accessed November 26, 2014

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