Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is common in the first trimester and may not be due to any health issues. However  bleeding during the second trimester may be the cause of a  complication.

vaginal bleeding

Bleeding during pregnancy may require a physical exam, blood tests and an ultrasound to rule out any health issues or complications.


What are the causes of vaginal  bleeding or spotting during pregnancy ?


Some of the possible causes of vaginal bleeding during the first trimester include the following :


Some of the common reasons why women bleed during the second and third trimesters include the following :


What should I do if I have abnormal vaginal  bleeding during pregnancy ?


You should note that vaginal bleeding during any trimester could be a sign of serious health problem. Call your doctor right away. In the mean time, you have

  • to keep track of how much you are bleeding
  • record the type of blood (red, brown or pink)
  • observe if there is any tissue discharged with the blood. If there is, take it along with you to your doctor’s appointment.
  • observe if it is smooth or full blood clots

Call 911 or go to the emergency room right away if you experience the following :

  • severe vaginal bleeding with or without pain
  • severe cramps or pain in the lower abdomen
  • vaginal discharge that contains tissue
  • dizziness or fainting spells
  • fever of more than 100.4 or more degrees Fahrenheit or chills


Content Sources
Bleeding during pregnancy . American Pregnancy Association. Accessed September 25, 2014
Bleeding during pregnancy.The american college of obstetricians and gynecologists. Accessed September 25, 2014
Bleeding during pregnancy. Mayo Foundation. Accessed September 25, 2014
Bleeding during pregnancy. WebMD. Accessed September 25, 2014

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