Dental work  such as preventive dental  cleaning and annual exams are recommended during pregnancy. The rise in hormone level during pregnancy causes  swelling and bleeding gum and  gum to trap food. This can lead to  increased irritation to the gum and cause gum disease. Dental care during pregnancy is to help prevent gum disease which is linked to preterm birth.

dental work

It is ideal to have dental work during the second trimester. Cavity  filling and crowns should be treated to prevent infections that may affect the health of your baby.


However unnecessary dental work  such as teeth whitening and other cosmetic procedure should be postponed after birth to avoid exposing the baby to any risk.


Does medications during dental work affect my pregnancy ?


The most commonly used drug during pregnancy is Lidocaine. This category B medication  crosses the placenta after it is administered. Anesthesia during dental care should be as minimal as possible but  should be still enough to make you comfortable. Antibiotics that are required after dental work to prevent infections include amoxicillin, clindamycin and penicillin. These medications are category B and considered safe during pregnancy.


Are x-rays used during dental work safe during pregnancy ?


X-rays taken during  annual exams can be postponed until after delivery of the baby. According the American College of radiology, diagnostic x-ray does not have dose significant enough to cause adverse effect in a developing embryo. During the third trimester, any non emergency dental work is postponed until after the baby is born to avoid the risk of premature labor. Organ development in  the fetus occurs during the first trimester, therefore it is best to avoid all non emergency dental procedures during this time.


Dental care while pregnant


  • let your dentist know that you are pregnant
  • brush your teeth twice daily with an American Dental Association (ADA) fluoride toothpaste and floss daily
  • postpone all non emergency dental work until the second trimester or after delivery
  • elective procedures such as teeth whitening should  be postponed until after delivery
  • don’t skip dental check up appointment simply because you are pregnant
  • keep your legs uncrossed while you sit in the dentist chair to maintain healthy circulation


Content Sources
Pregnancy and dental work. American Pregnancy Association . Accessed November 11, 2014

Dental care and pregnancy. WebMD. Accessed November 5, 2014

Dental X-Rays, Teeth Cleanings = Safe During Pregnancy. American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists . Accessed November 5, 2014


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