Baby acne is very common. It is acne that appears on the skin of a newborn. It may appear anywhere on the face but usually appears on the cheeks, nose and forehead.  Baby acne usually occurs within 2 to 4 weeks after birth and may get worse when baby is fussy or hot. Acne on a newborn’s skin is usually diagnosed by sight and no testing is usually required. No treatment is  usually needed .

baby acne

What causes baby acne ?

The exact cause of baby acne is unknown. Some researchers believe , it is a normal inflammatory or immune system response in babies. However, research is still being done to find out the factors that contribute to this acne.


What should I do about my baby’s acne ?

Baby acne usually goes away within a few  months. No medical treatment is usually required. In some cases however, some baby acne may linger for months in which case the doctor may recommend medicated creams or other treatments. Do not try any over the counter medications without talking to your doctor first. Your baby’s skin is very delicate and may be damaged by some over the counter products.


What should I do in the meantime ?


While waiting for baby acne to clear up, you may take the following precautionary measures.

  • dry your baby’s face gently simply by patting on his skin
  • keep your baby’s face clean by washing daily with warm water. Use mild moisturizing  facial soap several times a week and rinse with warm water
  • do not scrub or pinch acne. It may cause more irritation or infection
  • do not use lotion or oil on your baby’s face


Consult your baby’s doctor if you have any concerns . Baby acne usually clears up within 3 to 4 months.


Content Sources
Baby acne. Mayo Foundation. . Accessed October 22, 2014
Erythema Toxicum Accessed October 22, 2014
Picture of Baby Acne . MedicineNet, Inc. Accessed October 20, 2014

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