How to prevent frostbite and hypothermia

Wintertime can be fun. Kids can do fun stuff such as throwing snowballs, sledding or skating.  Its a great way for your child to get daily exercise but it important to make sure  that the child is well dressed for the weather and knows  when its time to come in and warm up.


frostbite and hypothermia


When children are exposed to extreme cold for a long time and without appropriate clothing ( warm ,dry, breathable clothing ) , they can get frostbite or life threatening hypothermia.


Children  are more at risk from the cold than adults. This is because their bodies are smaller and they lose heat more quickly. When they are playing outside, they are less likely to come in even when its getting cold.


Frostbite : This happens when the skin or sometimes tissues below freezes. Fingers, nose and toes are likely to get frostbite. Frostbitten skin may start to hurt or feel like it is burning and quickly go numb. It may turn white or pale grey and form blisters.


What to do

  • If you think your child has frostbite , bring her inside to warm up. Do not rub the affected area and don’t pop any  blisters.
  • Avoid placing anything hot directly on the skin. Soak frostbitten areas into warm not  hot water  for about 20 to 30 minutes. Warm washcloth can be applied to frostbitten noses , ears and lips.
  • Dry and cover your child with a blanket after a few minutes and give her something warm to drink.
  • If the pain and numbness continues for more than a few minutes, call your pediatrician.

Hypothermia : This is when the body’s temperature falls  below normal from cold. A child may start shivering which is a sign that the body is trying to warm itself. She may also be become sluggish, clumsy or slur her words.


What to do

This condition is a medical emergency. Call 911 immediately.

  • Bring the child indoors while waiting for help. Remove any wet clothing which draws heat away from  the body.
  • Wrap your child in blankets and give her something  warm to drink. It is important to cover core body areas like chest and abdomen.
  • If your child stops breathing or loses a pulse, give her mouth to mouth resuscitation or CPR.

How to prevent frostbite and hypothermia

Even though frostbite and hypothermia are 2 different conditions, taking steps to protect your children  during wintertime can protect them from both.


Wear appropriate clothing : Several thin layers will help keep the child warm and dry. Other essentials  that your  child may need include hats, mittens,  insulated boots  and a hat. It is important that children change out of any wet clothes right away.


Check the windchill : Playing outside in wind chills or temperature below -15° Fahrenheit should be avoided. At these temperatures, exposed skins begins to freeze within minutes.


Take breaks : Limit the amount of time spent playing outside to prevent hypothermia and frostbite. Make sure kids have a place to go for  regular indoor breaks to warm up.



Content Sources
Cold weather safety. American Academy of Pediatrics. Accessed January 8, 2018

Frostbite and hypothermia. Red Cross. Accessed January 8th, 2018

What to Do When Winter Has You in its Icy Grip. National Safety Council. Accessed January 8th, 2018

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