Using rubbing alcohol to bring down a child’s fever


No ,  it is not safe to use rubbing alcohol to bring down a child’s fever. Putting rubbing alcohol on the child’s skin may quickly reduce fever. Although alcohol may temporary cool the skin as it evaporates, it is dangerous to use. Cooling the child too fast will result in the child shivering. This will cause his body to raise the body temperature.




Alcohol can also get absorbed in the child’s skin or through the lungs when inhaled. This can cause alcohol poisoning which can lead to a coma or other medical complications.


You can reduce your child’s fever in  much better ways. These include

  • placing a cool washcloth on his forehead
  • giving the child a sponge bath with lukewarm water
  • using over the counter fever reducers  such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen


Do not give aspirin to a child .It puts the child at risk for a rare but potentially serious disease known as Reye’s syndrome. You need  to seek the advice of your doctor when giving your child any medication. You can also talk to him about proper ways of bringing your child’s fever down.



Content Sources
Is it true that rubbing alcohol helps bring down a child’s fever? Baby Center. Accessed November 8th, 2017

Sponge Bath for a Child’s Fever – Topic Overview. WebMD. Accessed November 8th, 2017

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