Postpartum depression is triggered by hormonal and chemical changes in the new mom’s body and brain. It affects the wellbeing of the mother as well as baby and family.


Baby blues consists of mood swings that occurs in the first few weeks of life.


postpartum depression




What is the difference between postpartum depression and baby blues ?


Most new moms goes through baby blues.  Baby blues is mild and goes away after the first couple of weeks.  What sets baby blues aside from postpartum depression is the duration and severity. If the symptoms keeps going  on week after week after week, then that is postpartum depression. If the symptoms are over the top and gets into the way of daily activities, then it is postpartum depression. Symptoms of postpartum depression include the following :

  • feeling overly tired or anxious
  • oversleeping or not getting enough sleep
  • experiencing  anger and rage
  • loss of interest in activities you use to enjoy
  • having trouble bonding with your baby
  • thinking about harming your baby and yourself
  • doubting if you can care for your baby
  • having trouble concentrating


If there is a family history or  personal history of mental health or depression or prior history of postpartum depression , it puts you at higher risk . However nobody is immune to postpartum depression. It can happen to first moms who have never had any history of mental illness.


There are  7  forms of perinatal mood and  anxiety disorders from childbirth. However the most common is postpartum depression. The other 6 include the following

  • postpartum psychosis
  • postpartum post traumatic stress  disorder
  • postpartum obsessive compulsive  disorder
  • postpartum panic disorder
  • postpartum bipolar disorder


These are all completely different disorders. One does work its way into the other.  Depending  on what disorder you have  , treatment may or may not include medications. It is important to seek medical help. These conditions are totally treatable  but you need to get help.


Content Sources
Difference between postpartum depression and baby blues. Radio MD. Accessed August 21st,

Postpartum depression and the baby blues. Help Accessed August 21st, 2017

The Difference Between the Baby Blues and Postpartum Depression. Seleni. Accessed August 21st, 2017

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