Dealing with tooth accidents in children



What you should do when your baby falls and hits a  tooth


Falls are bound to happen as baby’s try to pull themselves up or walk. He may hit his  tooth occasionally.


tooth accident


You need to make sure the baby doesnt have any other injuries that require emergency treatment. If he dose, call 911.


If the child’s gum is bleeding , apply pressure with a piece  of wet gauze  for a few minutes or until bleeding stops. You can also give the child a frozen juice pop to help with swelling and soothe the pain.


If you see anything unusual with your child’s gum and teeth  or any sign of infection such as fever, swelling or tenderness, call your doctor right away.


What yo do when your baby hits a tooth


If the gum and teeth look fine and the child is not in any pain, then he doesn’t need a dentist. However  if the teeth is chipped  and the baby seem to be in pain, take him  to see the doctor right away. You should also see a dentist right away. He may decide  to take it out so that the baby doesnt choke on it if it falls down on its own. The dentist can also have a look at a tooth that is out of place and decide whether to reposition  it.


If the child has a chipped tooth and its not bothering him, you can make an appointment  for evaluation.


What to do when your child knocks out one of his  baby teeth


Baby teeth are important because they help a child learn how to talk  and hold a spot for the baby’s permanent teeth to come in properly. However when a baby knocks  off a baby tooth, its usually not a problem . This is because permeant tooth will eventually grow in its place. However you need to see the dentist for evaluation to make sure that there is no underlying damage.


How to keep your baby from hurting his teeth


You cannot  prevent all accidents but childproofing your room reduces  the risk greatly. Secure rugs and close off stairways. You should also always buckle your baby properly in a car seat. It is important to teach your children  to walk or run with hard objects like lollipop in her mouth.


Content Sources
Tooth accidents. Baby Center. . Accessed June 13th, 2017

When your child’s tooth takes a hard knock

What to do when a tooth comes loose. Delta Dental. Accessed June 13th, 2017

Tooth Accidents. Healthy Day. Accessed June 13th, 2017

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