Taking care of a newborn can be very stressful and energy demanding.  You need to choose foods that are rich in protein and fiber to  get you through the day. Here are some  foods that can help boost your energy.


energy boosting foods

Energy boosting foods


Egg :These are loaded with proteins and other nutrients as well.


Oatmeal : This fiber rich food is loaded with stress reducing vitamin B . The fiber stabilizes sugar level . Add a few berries on top and you’ve got a super nutrient rich food.


Pumpkin : These are loaded with potassium for better functioning of the heart and muscles. It is loaded with fiber which helps stabilize sugar level and vitamin A to keep your immune  steering to fight off  infections.


Lean beef :Iron rich foods like lean beef  can boost your energy to help you keep up with the demands of being  a new mom. It is also a good source of protein and vitamin B-12.


Leafy greens : These include spinach, broccoli and swiss chard which are  all loaded with vitamin A  which is good for both you and your baby. They also contain vitamin C , calcium and iron. Green veggies are also loaded with heart healthy antioxidants.


Apples : This fruit is a disease fighting powerhouse. It is also rich in fiber.



Salmon :  This fish is packed with vitamins, minerals and omega 3 fatty acids . It is also lower in fats and calories that most protein sources. DHA in salmon is crucial in the development of the baby’s nervous system, All breastmilk contain DHA but the level is higher in women who get more DHA through diet.The DHA in salmon also helps with your mood which may help prevent postpartum depression.


Yogurt : This energy boosting food is rich in protein, calcium and vitamin D. Many brands of yogurt also have live cultures that can aid in digestion.


Lentils : This legume is a rich source of fiber . It also contain folate and magnesium that  helps protect the heart. Lentils are also a good source of iron.

Content Sources

10 energy boosting foods. Baby center. https://www.babycenter.com/0_10-energy-boosting-foods_10352389.bc. Accessed June 12th, 2017

12 foods for new moms. WebMD. http://www.webmd.com/parenting/baby/breast-feeding-diet#1. Accessed June 12th, 2017

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