It is not uncommon for children to bring stomach bugs home.


stomach bug


How to survive a stomach bug


Wash your hands and keep things clean : This is the best way of protecting yourself from stomach bugs. Some viruses survive on surfaces for days. Others like the Norovirus  can even survive a hand sanitizer. You need water and soap to kill it. When your child vomits, you have to change the sheets and wash the area immediately after helping your child.  Use warm water to wash surfaces. For washes, use hot water and high heat in the dryer.


Wait for at least 24 hours  : Most pediatrician tell you that vomiting during a stomach bug may last for about 24 hours. Im some cases , it may go beyond this time. If you take in liquids quickly or eat more solids than you’re ready for , it can  cause vomiting. It is therefore important to start sipping clear solids and then advance slowly with your diet. If the vomiting is getting worse after 24 hours , see your doctor.


Medication : Children rarely need medication to recover for  a stomach bug. If you feel your child has been vomiting for a long time and may be dehydrated, talk to your pediatrician.


Use disinfectants and bleach : Clean your home to avoid the spread of infection.  Use  soap and water. You can also use a dilute bleach solution to clean surfaces.


Keep your child away from other people : It is important to keep your child out of daycare or school while sick with a bug. This reduce the risk of spreading the infection. It is important to keep the child at home and make sure he gets enough sleep.



It is important to make sure your child is well hydrated.  Give your child clear fluids like water, watered down juice, ginger ale that has gone flat , broth or electrolyte solution such as pedialyte. Avoid anything with caffeine. This will increase urination and accelerate dehydration.


Doctors will likely recommend oral rehydration solution such as Pedialyte for children younger than 1 year old. This comes in different flavors and even in a popsicle form. Continue giving small amount of formula or breastmilk if your child wont take the electrolyte drink.


He  needs to take in small , frequent sips of water instead of drinking a whole glass.


Content Sources
Surviving the Stomach Bug: Truths & Tips for Parents. American Academy of Pediatrics. Accessed February 21, 2017

Diarrhea and stomach flu. WebMD. Accessed February 21, 2017

Norovirus, the stomach bug. Center for Disease Control and Prevention CDC. Accessed February 21, 2017

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