During the beginning of breastfeeding, most new mothers wonder if they have enough milk to meet the baby’s needs. Most women think they have low milk supply when they really dont. In most cases, the infants get enough milk or the mother’s low milk supply is corrected. In some cases however, this condition can increase the risk of malnutrition in children.


low milk supply

What causes low milk supply ?


Temporary low milk supply can occur if the mother is not feeding her child often  because of nipple pain, poor latch on technique or  a lethargic nurser. Birth control pill that contain estrogen and an illness can affect milk supply. For a few number of women, a physical or biological condition such as breast surgery or hormonal disorder  can cause low milk supply.


For most women, the problem is not the production of the milk but the delivery. For some reasons such as improper latch, the baby may not be getting enough milk.


How can you tell if your baby is getting enough milk ?


You can tell if your baby is  getting enough milk by the following :

  • weight gain is the best indicator that your baby is not getting enough milk. Most babies gain about an ounce a day during the first 3 months of life and about  half an ounce from about 3 to 6 months. Babies usually lose birth weight during the first few days of life but gain it back. You baby should be back to her birth weight by 10 to 14 days of life.
  • Your  baby should have  about 3 stool per day during the first month of life .They  lighten to a yellowy-mustard color by the fifth day after birth.  Stool becomes less frequent after the first month
  • your baby appears healthy and active
  • your baby nurses often ( every 2 to 3 hours ) for a total of at least 8 feeding a day
  • you hear your baby swallow and notice milk at the corners of her mouth
  • your baby wets about 5 to 6 disposable diapers a day or 7 to 8 cloth diapers a day

How can i boost my milk supply ?


Tips to help you boost your milk supply

  • feed your baby often.  Feeding your baby frequently stimulates the breast  to produce more milk. Be sure to offer both breasts during feeding
  • get the help of a lactation consultant to help you with proper positioning of the breast
  • when the baby’s sucking  and swallowing pattern slows down, you should use breast compressions to increase milk flow to you  and your baby and completely drain the breast.
  • you can stimulate milk production by adding pumping session in between nursings . Then store the milk for future feedings until milk supply increases
  • do not supplement baby’s feeding with solid food or formula until you and your health care provider decides your baby needs it for medical reason
  • a low thyroid hormone may decrease milk  supply. You may want to have your thyroid level checked
  • if your baby is sleeping and not sucking vigorously which is needed to stimulate the gland to produce milk, you can try to awaken the baby by switching sides frequently . You can also play with the baby feet to keep her awake.
Content Sources
Low milk supply. Baby center. http://www.babycenter.com/0_low-milk-supply_8487.bc. Accessed January 7, 2017

How can i increase my milk supply. La Leche League International . http://www.llli.org/faq/increase.html. Accessed January 7, 2017

What causes a low milk supply during breast-feeding? Mayo Foundation. http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/infant-and-toddler-health/expert-answers/low-milk-supply/faq-20058148. Accessed January 7, 2017

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