Most children pick their noses  out of boredom or curiosity. This behavior may drive parents crazy. You have to know that punishing your child may only make nose picking behavior worse. Although this habit may begin in childhood , it can actually linger on to adulthood. There are various ways to curb it.
nose picking


Nose picking would have been completely  harmless except that it spreads germs.  Germs on the fingers can lead to infection in the nose. It is also another way to spread to the  cold and flu virus.


What you can do about nose picking ?


A good way to deal with nose picking is  treating nose congestion and dehydration. They are some other ways  to stop nose picking in children. These include :

  • dealing with allergies which could result in stuffy nose
  • encouraging the child to wash his hands frequently . It is also important to keep nails short to avoid breeding germs in them
  • keep child well hydrated by offering lots of fluids. Use a humidifier in child’s room to keep air moist. Nasal spray can also help
  • teach your child to use a  handkerchief or tissue to blow his nose occasionally
  • if your  kid is picking his nose out of boredom, keep his hands busy. Get him involved in activities such as puzzles and crafts
  • if your  child’s nose picking is getting out of control and causing him to bleed from the nose, you can mention it his doctor. It could be due to anxiety  or an emotional problem
  • if you’ve done everything and the child is still nose picking, do your best to ignore him


Content Sources
Nose picking. Baby center. Accessed February 4, 2016

Nose picking. American Academy of pediatrics. Accessed February 4, 2016

Your child’s habits, Nemour’s Foundation. Accessed February 4, 2016

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