12 weeks of pregnancy : Finding a doctor

By now, you’ve probably already taken your first trip to your baby’s doctor. However, don’t feel pressured to stick with the first baby doctor you find. Finding the right doctor is more important than ever during pregnancy, so finding a doctor that you are comfortable with is your number one job. Although the baby doctor’s job is to ensure your health and that of your baby, it is your job to make it easier on them by placing your trust in them. Easier said than done, right?
12 weeks
Looking for a doctor that you can connect with is one of the first steps in pregnancy. Not all doctors are going to be able to connect with you on a level that you probably feel is necessary. Make sure that you talk to some friends of yours that have gone through the process of finding a baby doctor. If you have friends that have recently had a baby, ask them a little bit about their baby doctor. Don’t just pry for positives. Dig deep, and find out what your friends did NOT like about the doctor, also. Some instances that are forgivable for a friend may be the same instances that make you uncomfortable.
Compassion is one of the most important traits for most women to find in a baby doctor. You want to find a doctor that can talk about healthy eating, weight gain, and body changes without making you feel as if you are being attacked by them personally. With pregnancy affecting your emotions, it is of utmost importance to find a doctor that is not lacking in empathy.
Choosing a baby doctor is different for every pregnancy. If you are pregnant for the first time, you are going to want to take your time finding the doctor that you mesh with the best. If you have already had children, it may be a good idea to stay with the same baby doctor. Keeping the same baby doctor can help them and you prepare for pregnancy better. Pregnant women can go through significant changes with their health, and sometimes health problems can be life-threatening for mother and child. For instance, women suffering from eclampsia can have severe swelling, high blood pressure, and intense nausea; all of which can be easily missed by doctors because they are normal symptoms of pregnancy. If you have had eclampsia, anemia, or diabetes with a previous pregnancy, keeping the same doctor will help them monitor the signs of significant health problems.
Remember, choosing a doctor is not like picking out a new pair of shoes. It’s almost impossible to choose a doctor just by looking at their qualifications. You may even want to change doctors after a few appointments, and that is perfectly fine. In the end, you only need to worry about which doctor is going to give you the best and safest pregnancy experience possible. Shopping around for options may never be more important.

Travis Newville
Breckenridge, Michigan

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