Stretch marks occur when the  body grows more  than the skin can keep up. As a result, the elastic  fibers just under the  surface of the skin break and results in stretch marks. These small, depressed streaks in the skin usually occur on the belly in the latter stages of pregnancy.  These marks may also appear on the breasts , buttocks, thighs and hips. The marks usually start out as pink, reddish-brown, purple or dark brown depending on the skin’s complexion but they usually fade away to white or grey after pregnancy.
pregnancy stretch marks

Am i at risk of stretch marks during pregnancy ?

It is  difficult to determine who will get stretch marks during pregnancy. About 50 % of pregnant women get these marks and no one can tell who will or will not get it. However certain factors increase your risk of getting it. Genetics may play a role and  that means if your mother got these marks during pregnancy, you are more likely to  get it too. The more your skin expands  during pregnancy and the faster it does  makes you more prone to stretch marks. Therefore you may get stretch marks  if you  :


How can i prevent pregnancy stretch marks ?

There is no way to prevent stretch marks. Gaining the right amount of weight during pregnancy and gaining it slowly reduces your risk. It is good to keep your belly moisturized to reduce  itchiness. It is also helpful to keep your skin hydrated with water.


How can i get rid of pregnancy stretch marks?

Stretch marks usually fade away considerably in about 6 to 12 months after delivery.  Topical medications such as tretinoin (Retin-A) and glycolic acid may help.
NOTE : Retin-A  is not safe to use during pregnancy. There is no reliable information on the amount that gets into breast milk. Therefore it is best to avoid it during breastfeeding.


There is some evidence that laser treatment can help restore the skin’s elasticity and change its pigmentation.


Bio-oil is a topical product that is especially formulated to maximize the skin’s elasticity  and ensure that it is well hydrated. Apply this product twice daily  right from the first trimester to  help your body better withstand  stretch marks during pregnancy.
Content Sources

Are Pregnancy Stretch Marks Different?American Pregnancy Association. Accessed July 19, 2015
The truth about pregnancy stretch marks. WebMD. Accessed July 19, 2015
Stretch marks in pregnancy.NHS Choices. July 19, 2015


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