What is lockjaw ?


Lockjaw is the other name for tetanus. It is a bacterial infection caused by Clostridium tetani .Tetanus can be fatal but  the tetanus vaccine can prevent the disease.A booster shot is needed every 10 years after primary immunization or after a puncture or deep skin wound.


Neonatal tetanus is theytype that occurs in babies when they are born in unsanitary conditions.


What causes tetanus ?


The spores of Clostridium tetani  can be found in the soil, feces and dust. When they enter the body through a wound ,  they produce powerful neurotoxins known as tetanospasmin that cause muscle spasm. The toxin travels through the bloodstream and lymph system , taking over the whole body. As a result  normal function of the nerves are impaired and this causes general muscle spasm and stiffness.


How do I know I have tetanus ?


Are you experiencing the following symptoms ?


  • fever
  • difficulty swallowing
  • drooling
  • Spasms and stiffness in your jaw muscles
  • elevated blood pressure
  • uncontrolled urination and defecation
  • sweating

These could be the symptoms of tetanus. The signs may appear a few days to several weeks after infection with the bacteria.


Am I at risk ?


These factors may increase your risk of tetanus.


Do you have a deep or penetrating wound ?

Have you skipped getting the tetanus vaccine ?

Do you have other infectious bacteria ?


If the answers to these questions are yes, you may be at risk of tetanus.


I have tetanus. Can I be treated ?


There is no treatment for tetanus. Treatment is aimed at managing symptoms. These include :


  • antibiotics
  • antioxidants
  • muscle relaxers
  • powerful sedatives
  • surgery
  • tetanus vaccine


How can I protect myself from tetanus ?


One sure way to prevent tetanus is by getting the DTap vaccine which protect against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping-cough.  The vaccine is given at these recommended ages


  •  2 months
  • 4 months
  • 6 months
  • Between 15 and 18 months (can be given as early as 12 months as long as it’s at least six months after the previous shot)
  • Between 4 and 6 years old

A booster shot be given every ten years, after a deep wound or when travelling to areas prone to tetanus.

Content Sources

About tetanus . Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC. Accessed June 13, 2014
About tetanus. The Nemours Foundation. http://kidshealth.org/parent/infections/bacterial_viral/tetanus.html. Accessed June 13, 2014
Tetanus . National Library of Medicine. MedlinePlus. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/tetanus.html. Accessed June 13, 2014

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