omelette with tomato

Chicken Vegetable Omelet with Salsa

Yields 3 servings


Did you know that eating enough protein in your diet is a good way to prevent morning sickness? Your solution is easier than ever – begin eating meals with plenty of protein. It’s easy to do for breakfast, lunch and dinner – and here’s an omelet that can truly be eaten any time of the day.


This recipe provides plenty of protein, just enough carbohydrates to prevent gestational diabetes, the right kinds of fat, and ample amounts of flavor to make your taste buds satisfied. It’s a great way to start out the day and is a complete meal in itself.




7 eggs, beaten (Good source of complete protein so your baby can grow to his or her true potential; eggs also contain lecithin and choline to prevent fatty liver.)


1 tablespoon coconut oil or olive oil (The coconut oil is a source of saturated fat needed for healthy cell walls while the olive oil has been used medicinally for centuries.)


6 oz cooked chicken, diced (good complete protein source)


1 bunch green onions (immune system booster)


1 diced tomato (great for vision, source of vitamin C and A)


1 rib celery (provides fiber, good for heart)


12 oz cooked black beans (may be canned), drained (excellent source of fiber, source of zinc for energy during the day)


2 cloves garlic, minced (immune system booster)


½ bunch fresh parsley, minced (aids kidney function)


½ bunch fresh cilantro, minced (removes mercury from body that can damage baby)


Optional: 3 oz cheese (source of calcium)
chicken and spice


1 handful fresh spinach (high in folic acid)


4 oz white mushrooms, diced (source of chromium which aids in blood sugar control)


Salsa, your choice (more tomatoes for better vision)


Salt and pepper to taste




  1. In a large sauté pan, begin by sautéing mushrooms, celery, onions, tomato, and garlic in oil on medium high heat. When mixture is half cooked, add the spinach, chicken, parsley, beans and cilantro. Cook another 5 minutes until done.
  2. In a small bowl, beat the eggs, whipping air into the eggs to make a fluffier omelet. Then add the eggs to the sauté pan over low heat. Cover the pan and cook.
  3. After 5 minutes, check the omelet or doneness. If it’s 80% cooked with only small amounts of liquid on the top, loosen the omelet with a spatula around the edges for flipping it upside down. Turn off the burner.
  4. Place a large dinner plate over the sauté pan and with a little finesse, flip the pan upside down so the omelet is now on the plate. Then slide the omelet back into the pan and finish cooking, about 3 minutes.
  5. During the last few minutes of cooking, add the cheese and allow it to melt.
  6. Serve with choice of salsa and beverage.


Nutritional content per serving:

Total calories: 440 calories

30 grams protein

15 grams fat

30 grams carbohydrates

9 grams fiber


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