Now that you have reached the ninth week of your pregnancy, it is time to mark two accomplishments: your baby is no more an embryo; it’s a fetus now, and you have successfully entered the third month of your pregnancy. It is time for you to start thinking about how your life will change after the baby comes, and maybe start making a budget so that you can have some extra cash on hand when the baby arrives.

How’s the Baby Doing?

At nine weeks, your baby will now be measuring up to 0.9 inches and will weigh about 0.07 ounces, reaching almost the size of a green olive. In the coming time, its growth will gain more steam. By this week, the facial features of your baby will start developing more distinctly. Also, the baby will now have a heartbeat strong enough to be detected by a fetal Doppler.

The Symptoms

The symptoms would stay the same as they were in the prior weeks, which would include:
• Morning sickness that can continue all through the day
• Excessive moodiness due to the hormones
• Gaining almost 1 to 5 pounds in weight
• Frequent fatigue, headaches, nasal congestion, peeing and vaginal discharge
• Increased soreness and heaviness of breasts

What to Do?

If you are working, now is the time to go through the maternity policies of your organization and figure out how maternity leaves are handled there. Soon, you will have to tell your boss about it. You should also do some research on childbirth education classes and ante-natal exercise classes to decide if you want to enroll. Meanwhile, if you jog, it is time to give that up because repetitive jarring is not good for you.

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